CalWEA & Wind Industry Articles

News, CalWEA in the Media, and reports of interest to our members


News from CalWEA

Renewable Energy Advocates Highlight Urgency of Addressing Utility Wildfire Liability

Today, CalWEA joined with virtually all other renewable energy trade groups in sending a letter to the Governor and Legislature regarding the urgent need to address the unlimited liability that the investor-owned utilities are facing after the wildfires, which threatens their solvency -- and, in turn, California's renewable energy and climate goals.  

News from CalWEA

CalWEA Comments on BLM Notice of Intent to Amend the DRECP

CalWEA today submitted comments on the BLM's Notice of Intent to amend its Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan.  CalWEA welcomed the review, given the 2016 DRECP’s unreasonable exclusion of wind energy development on BLM lands in California.  

News from U.S. BLM

BLM To Reconsider DRECP

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management today announced that it will reconsider the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP), which largely prohibited wind energy development across the vast California desert.  (Also see CalWEA's map depicting that prohibition under "Reports".)

Report from CalWEA

Impact of the DRECP on Wind Energy Resources in the California Desert

The BLM today announced that it will revisit the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP). When the draft plan was being considered, CalWEA used GIS mapping to analyze its severe impact on wind energy resources in the California desert. This map shows the large areas where wind is prohibited, and the small areas where wind is allowed (if various obstacles are cleared, which is not assured under the plan). (See DRECP-related items on news page.)

News from North American Windpower

California Defies Trump’s Agenda

In this cover story for North American Windpower, CalWEA Executive Director Nancy Rader explains that, despite headwinds from Washington, D.C., California remains a strong market for wind energy as its value rises.  But many challenges remain, particularly in delivering regional wind energy to California and repowering 1980s-vintage turbines.

Fast Facts

Wind energy supplies 11% of California’s electricity, with wind projects located as far north as Shasta County and as far south as Imperial County, as well as from beyond California’s borders. See more Fast Facts!

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