Nancy Rader has over 30 years of experience as a renewable energy advocate. She has represented CalWEA since its inception in 2000, serving as executive director since 2002. From 1994 to 1998, Ms. Rader served as policy advisor to and West Coast Representative of the American Wind Energy Association, and was honored as AWEA's "Wind Industry Person of the Year" in 1996.
She began her renewable energy career at Public CItizen in Washington D.C. In her subsequent role as a consultant, Ms. Rader advised renewable energy industry companies and trade associations in the U.S. and Canada, state utility consumer advocate offices, trade associations of municipal utilities, electric industry service companies, electric industry research institutions, state and national consumer and environmental advocacy organizations, and Japanese and European government agencies and officials.
As a consultant, she specialized in the design of Renewables Portfolio Standard policies - a concept she developed for the wind industry, programs supported by Public Goods Charges, fuel-source disclosure policies, including methods of tracking fuel-source information, transmission system rules that accommodate intermittent renewable resources, and community aggregation programs.
Ms. Rader has prepared major reports on renewable energy policies for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the National Wind Coordinating Committee. She has authored and presented many papers and articles on renewable energy policy and on the implications of "green marketing" for the promotion of renewable energy.
Ms. Rader received a B.A. in Political Science/Public Service from the University of California at Davis. She received an M.A. degree in Energy and Resources from the University of California at Berkeley.