October 2, 2019 -- The California Wind Energy Association (CalWEA) today expressed gratitude to Governor Newsom for signing AB 1584, a bill authored by Assemblymember Bill Quirk and sponsored by CalWEA.
AB 1584, once implemented by the CPUC, will send cost signals to encourage load-serving entities (LSEs) to make decisions that reduce the need for system integration resources.
AB 1584 requires the CPUC to allocate system integration resource requirements, or associated costs, to LSEs based on the degree to which they create a need for these resources.LSEs with resource portfolios that are better matched to their customer loads will pay less for system integration resources than LSEs with portfolios that are mismatched to their customer loads.The resource choices of LSEs not only impose costs on the CAISO system, but also pose system reliability risks related to potential shortages in upward ramping capacity.
“AB 1584 will provide cost signals to utilities and other load-serving entities that will reduce total electric system costs while improving system reliability as we strive to achieve our SB 100 goal of eliminating carbon emissions in the electricity supply by 2045,” said Nancy Radar, Executive Director with the California Wind Energy Association.
AB 1584 was supported in the legislative process by a broad range of interests, including consumer, labor and renewable energy groups.
AB 1584 will go into effect January 1, 2020.